[Kde-pim] [kde-promo] Akonadi questionez

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Wed May 26 09:28:03 BST 2010

On May 21, 2010, Justin Kirby wrote:
> This might be a dangerous thing to ask but I'd like to play devil's
> advocate for a second.  If that is really true why are we fighting the
> idea of users not wanting it running by default? 

because they are wrong, even if they don't know it. bridging that gap is 
partly what kde promo efforts ought to be focused on. our job is to make good 
decisions, not cave in to people who don't know better and deliver inferior 
product as a result. if we do, we indeed might smell like roses today, but 
we'll look like shit tomorrow.

> If they're not a
> developer and there's no real end user benefit yet couldn't we instead
> focus on having distros make proper changes to leave it out by default
> until that situation changes?

aside from measures that the pim team are already taking by delaying kdepim 
from the 4.5 release, it needs to ship at some point even if it's all "under 
the hood" changes. if it doesn't ship, end user benefits are much less likely 
to emerge.

interesting how despite a couple decades of open source history behind us, we 
still haven't really internalized that lesson. it's not even unique to open 
source, of course, from microsoft's famous "it'll be good on the third 
version" to Job's famous "real artists ship" quote.

as to benefits (the original topic), i'd suggest that we should also be 
reminding our users about things like how KMail loads the addressbook 6 times 
(iirc?) into memory right now, and how with akonadi that will be brought back 
to just one copy ... shared between various apps, no less. (pim devs can 
provide more detais on that / corrections).

that's the kind of thing that is easy for people to understand, get their 
heads around and which they understand they might not be able to see directly 
but which is a good sign of the engineering improvements that will ultimately 
deliver benefits.

pimsters: are there other such interesting/good examples of the architectural 
improvements akonadi is bringing?

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks
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