[Kde-pim] jargon is bad! :)

Cornelius Schumacher schumacher at kde.org
Tue Mar 16 09:51:12 GMT 2010

On Tuesday 16 March 2010 10:03:02 Tom Albers wrote:
> I've indicated that 'Workspaces' on www.kde.org got some users in my office
>  confused, it is still there by lack of alternative. There is a lot of
>  jargon around and I don't consider it bad. When you buy a car, you want
>  cruise control, abs, traction control, airbags, TDI, etc. They don't sell
>  those as 'easy driving', 'good breaks', 'no slips', 'comfortable at
>  impact' and 'cheap fuel motor'.
> When you decide the desktop you chose for plasma, akonadi, nepomuk. As said
>  in the past, instead of hiding those terms to the user, we should promote
>  it so we can make sure the user knows what they do and let them actively
>  choose for the KDE SC because we have them.

I think we are talking about two different issues here. One is selling the 
software. There I think it's certainly fine to talk about underlying 
technology for those users who care about it. But when it comes to user 
interfaces, the terms have to be used which help the user to accomplish his 
goals. Usually it's not helpful to have underlying technology exposed here.

To say it with the analogy of the car, when you buy a car you buy a car with 
ABS, but when you want to stop it before you run into a wall you press the 
brake pedal, not a button labeled "Use ABS now".

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at kde.org>
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