[Kde-pim] Freebusy/timeline view changes

Allen Winter winter at kde.org
Mon Jun 14 14:11:43 BST 2010

On Monday 14 June 2010 8:28:45 am Andras Mantia wrote:
> Hi,
>  In the past days I worked on porting away the timeline view of 
> korganizer from kdgantt1. One of the reasons is to get rid of qt3 
> support dependency.
>  From the possible choices, I tried first to use a native Qt4 version of 
> kdgantt, that I refer as kdgantt2. The port is mostly working, although 
> it doesn't look exactly like the kdgantt1 version. All I've done is not 
> committed yet, as some questions need to be answered first:
> 1) What to do with the KDGantt2 dependency? Right now I have it in 
> kdepim/kdgantt2, that creates an installed shared library (headers are 
> not installed), and korganizer links against it. The possible choices 
> are:
>  a) keep the above structure
>  b) as a), but put into kdepim/kdgantt (where the is an outdated copy of 
> kdgantt2)
>  c) don't create a library, but include the files directly into 
> korganizer (and later the freebusy widget), like it was in kdgantt1 
> case.
The gantt stuff is needed by kdepim/incidenceeditor as well, so it
will need to be available as a shared library.

How many files are involved? if only a header and an implementation,
then putting them kdepim/libkdepim seems like a good idea. Or even
in kdepimlibs (depending on the license).

I'd like to see both kdgantt and kdgantt1 removed, either way.
Keep the new code in kdgantt2 until we have a final decision.

> 2) Where to commit the changes? I worked on trunk, but on IRC it was 
> mentioned to put into branches/work/komo .
Yes, your work will need to be merged into branches/work/komo.
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