[Kde-pim] Highlighting plain-text mails (linklocator)

Julien Richard-Foy julien.rf at no-log.org
Tue Sep 22 21:36:18 BST 2009

> You only need to compile kdepimlibs with tests to get the tests for
> kpimutils compiled, kdelibs is not needed.
> If you want to work on kdepimlibs, you *have* to compile the tests, it is
> not too much work.

Yes, you're right. I'm compiling kdepimlibs right now!

> The test with "*Ça fait plaisir de pouvoir utiliser des lettres accentuées
> dans du texte mis en forme*." fails, it would be nice if you can have a
> look at that, seems to be an encoding problem. I've commented it out
> currently.

Oups, a dot is missing after the "</b>" markup in the testcase code (just add 
a "." at the end of the string in the line 294 of testlinklocator.cpp). I'm 


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