[Kde-pim] Highlighting plain-text mails (linklocator)

Thomas McGuire mcguire at kde.org
Mon Sep 14 11:32:07 BST 2009


On Saturday 12 September 2009 00:55:48 you wrote:
> > Please extend the unit tests of linklocator to include your testcases,
> > then it can be committed if no one else objects.
> > Extending the unit tests in the first place would have saved you from
> > writing a Qt test app for this :)
> Indeed, I didn't notice the "tests" folder… But I don't want to compile all
> kdelibs + kdepimlibs to get the tests work… 

You only need to compile kdepimlibs with tests to get the tests for kpimutils 
compiled, kdelibs is not needed.
If you want to work on kdepimlibs, you *have* to compile the tests, it is not 
too much work.

> I gave you a sample of
>  testcases in my previous mail, it should be easy to integrate them to the
>  current testcases, I think.
> It must be something like the attached "testcase" file (to be put in
> tests/testlinklocator.cpp, in the testHtmlConvert_data function).
> > Oh, and I just found a bug about the old behavior, see bug 206935 at
> > https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=206935.
> > I haven't verified that the bug report is true.
> You can see it in your current version of KMail. This behaviour should be
> fixed by my patch.

Thanks for the patch, I have committed it in revision 1023247.
The test with "*Ça fait plaisir de pouvoir utiliser des lettres accentuées 
dans du texte mis en forme*." fails, it would be nice if you can have a look 
at that, seems to be an encoding problem. I've commented it out currently.

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