[Kde-pim] issues inserting/retrieving collection from akonadi

Alan Alvarez aalvarez at aliensoft.net
Tue Oct 13 14:25:20 BST 2009

The code is in svn trunk in the openchange resource. You would need a
MS exchange server to be able to test it though.

I get the same results with akonadiconsole. Except in akonadi console
the header information (to:n from:)never shows. In mailody it shows,
until you click on the item, at which point it disappears from the

On 10/13/09, Stephen Kelly <steveire at gmail.com> wrote:
> Alan Alvarez wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I'm Alan Alvarez, the GSoC student that worked on the openchange resource
>> for akonad in 2008. I've started working on the resource again. It seems a
>> lot has changed in Akonadi since I've been gone (as I expected).
>> I'm getting the following errors when trying to read emails using akonadi
>> through mailody:
>> mailody(7514)/nepomuk (library) <unnamed>::GlobalModelContainer::init:
>> Nepomuk storage service not running or not initialized.
>> "/home/clsk/dev/kde/bin/mailody(7514)" Error in thread 2969701264 :
>> "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
>> Also, only the payload is shown, the message header isn't. In mailody it
>> is shown at first, but when I click on the message it disappears (I could
>> provide screen-shots if needed). With akonadiconsole I don't see any
>> headers at all.
>> I'm wondering if a new way to insert collections was introduced since I
>> left.
>> Would appreciate any help on this.
>> Also, is mailody still the preferred client to use for testing mail
>> functionality with akonadi?
>> Thank you.
> Where is the code of this so we could have a look? Mailody should work fine
> for testing emails. Does everything work out ok when using akonadiconsole?
> Steve.
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Alan Alvarez
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