[Kde-pim] KDE

Stephen Kelly steveire at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 17:46:59 GMT 2009

SVN commit 1054160 by skelly:

Move KDescendantsProxyModel out of stable zone.

This class uses sourceIndex.internalId() which is a major no-go in
proxy models, so it breaks very easily. It happens to work with EntityTreeModel
due to the internalIds used in that class, but breaks when used on top of a
QSortFilterProxyModel for example or a Model implemented a different way.

Something like this or a replacement will be moved back into kdelibs for 4.5.
Until then there is a non-installed copy in kdepimlibs/akonadi libkdepim.

CCMAIL: kde-pim at kde.org

 D             kdelibs/kdeui/itemviews/kdescendantsproxymodel.cpp  
 D             kdelibs/kdeui/itemviews/kdescendantsproxymodel.h  
 A             kdepimlibs/akonadi/kdescendantsproxymodel.cpp   kdelibs/kdeui/itemviews/kdescendantsproxymodel.cpp#1054140 [License: LGPL (v2+)]
 A             kdepimlibs/akonadi/kdescendantsproxymodel_p.h   kdelibs/kdeui/itemviews/kdescendantsproxymodel.h#1054140 [License: LGPL (v2+)]

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