[Kde-pim] Review Request: Remove all the signature blocks.

Jaime Torres jtamate at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 17:15:18 GMT 2009

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(Updated 2009-03-27 10:15:18.605706)

Review request for KDE PIM.


Another posibility. This time only allowing > and spaces before --\s$, as RFC 3676 says.
i--, -----, and other things are not Signature Blocks delimiters.


Remove all the signature blocks.
The algorithm is:
Look for the prefixes before the "-- " marks (i.e. the text before it in the line).
foreach line, if the line contains "-- ", start to delete lines until the prefix changes.

(it should also work with c code if the -- is not followed by a space).

This addresses bug 72316.

Diffs (updated)

  /trunk/KDE/kdepim/kmail/kmmessage.cpp 945537 

Diff: http://reviewboard.kde.org/r/403/diff

Testing (updated)

#include <QtCore/QtCore>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
 remove the Signature Blocks (SB) from prefix+"-- (end of line)" until a
 line that
 * does not starts with prefix or
 * starts with prefix+(any substring of prefix)
 @param msg. The message to remove the SB.
 @param clearSigned. Before a message is signed all trailing whitespace is
      removed. Therefore the signature separator loses the trailing space.
static QString stripSignature ( const QString & msg, bool clearSigned ) {
  // Following RFC 3676, only > before --  
  // I prefer to not delete a SB instead of delete good mail content.
  QRegExp SBDelimiterSearch = clearSigned ? 
      QRegExp( "(^|\n)[> ]*--\\s?\n" ) : QRegExp( "(^|\n)[> ]*-- \n" );
  // The regular expresion to look for prefix change
  QRegExp CommonReplySearch = QRegExp( "[>]" );

  QString res = msg;
  QString prefix; // the current prefix
  QString line; // the line to check if is part of the SB
  int posDeletingStart = -1;
  int posNewLine = -1;
  int posSignatureBlock = -1;
  // While there are SB delimiters
  while ( (posDeletingStart = res.indexOf( SBDelimiterSearch )) >= 0 )
    // Look back for the line begining
    posSignatureBlock = res.indexOf( '-', posDeletingStart );
    // The prefix before "-- "$
    if (res[posDeletingStart]=='\n') ++posDeletingStart;
    prefix = res.mid( posDeletingStart, posSignatureBlock - posDeletingStart );
    posNewLine = res.indexOf( '\n', posSignatureBlock ) + 1;
    // now go to the end of the SB
    while ( posNewLine < res.size() && posNewLine > 0 )
      // check when the SB ends
      line = res.mid( posNewLine, res.indexOf( '\n', posNewLine ) - posNewLine );
      // * does not starts with prefix or
      // * starts with prefix+(any substring of prefix)
      if ( (prefix.isEmpty() && line.indexOf( CommonReplySearch ) < 0) ||
           (!prefix.isEmpty() && line.startsWith( prefix ) && 
            !prefix.contains( line.mid( prefix.size(), 1 ) )) )
        posNewLine = res.indexOf( '\n', posNewLine ) + 1;
        break; // end of the SB
    // remove the SB or truncate when is the last SB
    if ( posNewLine > 0 )
      res.remove( posDeletingStart, posNewLine - posDeletingStart );
      res.truncate( posDeletingStart );
  return res;
main ( int argc, const char *argv[] )
  QStringList tests;
  tests << "text1\n-- \nSignature Block1\nSignature Block1\n\n"
           "> text2\n> -- \n> Signature Block 2\n> Signature Block 2\n"
           ">> text3 -- not a signature block\n>> text3\n"
           ">>> text4\n> -- \n> Signature Block 4\n> Signature Block 4\n"
           ">>-------------\n>>-- text5 --\n>>-------------------\n"
           ">>-- \n>> Signature Block 5\n"
           "text6\n-- \nSignature Block 6";
  tests << "text1\n"
           "> text2\n"
           ">> text3 -- not a signature block\n>> text3\n"
           ">>> text4\n"
           ">>-------------\n>>-- text5 --\n>>-------------------\n"
  tests << "text1\n"
           "> text2\n"
           ">> text3 -- not a signature block\n>> text3\n"
           ">>> text4\n"
           ">>-------------\n>>-- text5 --\n>>-------------------\n"

  tests << "text1\n-- \nSignature Block1\nSignature Block1\n\n"
           ">text2\n>-- \n>Signature Block 2\n>Signature Block 2\n"
           "> >text3\n> >text3\n> >-- \n>>Not Signature Block 3\n"
           "> > Not Signature Block 3\n"
           ">text4\n>-- \n>Signature Block 4\n>Signature Block 4\n"
           "text5\n-- \nSignature Block 5";
  tests << "text1\n"
           ">>Not Signature Block 3\n> > Not Signature Block 3\n"
  tests << "text1\n"
           ">>Not Signature Block 3\n> > Not Signature Block 3\n"
  tests << "Text 1\n-- \nFirst sign\n\n\n> From: bla\n"
           "> Texto 2\n\n> Aqui algo de texto.\n\n>> --\n"
           ">> Not Signature Block 2\n\n> Adios\n"
           "\n>> Texto 3\n\n>> --\n>> Not Signature block 3\n";
  tests << "Text 1\n> From: bla\n"
           "> Texto 2\n\n> Aqui algo de texto.\n\n>> --\n"
           ">> Not Signature Block 2\n\n> Adios\n"
           "\n>> Texto 3\n\n>> --\n>> Not Signature block 3\n";
  tests << "Text 1\n> From: bla\n"
           "> Texto 2\n\n> Aqui algo de texto.\n\n\n> Adios\n"
           "\n>> Texto 3\n\n";
  tests << "-- \n-- ACME, Inc\n-- Joe User\n-- PHB\n-- Tel.: 555 1234\n--";
  tests << "";
  tests << "";
  tests << "Text 1\n\n\n\n> From: bla\n"
           "> Texto 2\n\n> Aqui algo de texto.\n\n"
           ">> Not Signature Block 2\n\n> Adios\n"
           "\n>> Texto 3\n\n>> --\n>> Not Signature block 3\n";
  tests << "Text 1\n\n\n\n> From: bla\n"
           "> Texto 2\n\n> Aqui algo de texto.\n\n"
           ">> Not Signature Block 2\n\n> Adios\n"
           "\n>> Texto 3\n\n>> --\n>> Not Signature block 3\n";
  tests << "Text 1\n\n\n\n> From: bla\n"
           "> Texto 2\n\n> Aqui algo de texto.\n\n"
           ">> Not Signature Block 2\n\n> Adios\n"
           "\n>> Texto 3\n\n";
  tests << "Without Signature Blocks";
  tests << "Without Signature Blocks";
  tests << "Without Signature Blocks";
  QString t1, t2, t3;
  for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
    t1.append( tests[9] );
    t2.append( tests[10] );
    t3.append( tests[11] );
  tests << t1 << t2 << t3;
  QTime time = QTime::currentTime();
  for ( int j = 0; j < 200; j++ )
    for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
      QString res = stripSignature( tests[i * 3], j%2 );
//    cout << "result:\n*" << res.toStdString() << "*" << endl << "expected:\n*" << tests[i*3+1+(j%2)].toStdString() << "*" <<endl;
      assert( res == tests[i * 3 + 1 + (j%2)] );
  cout << time.elapsed() << endl;



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