[Kde-pim] Unexplained error message from kmail

Frank Thieme frank at fthieme.net
Fri Aug 7 09:59:37 BST 2009

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 10:44, David Jarvie<djarvie at kde.org> wrote:
> The reporter has just found the SMTP transaction after all. The SMTP
> command which was in error, shown by Wireshark, was:
> MAIL FROM:<Andrew Schulman <xxxx at xxxx.xxx.xxx>> SIZE=252\r\n
> As far as I understand, only the actual email address should be included
> in the MAIL FROM command, not the person's name. This would seem to
> indicate a bug in either kmail or mailtransport.

As far as I understand, the only bug would be, that kmail thinks, that
everything between < and > is an eMail address. I don't know the RFCs,
but are < and > allowed in names?

The user just has to change his identity from

<Andrew Schulman <xxx at xxx.xxx>>


Andrew Schulman <xxx at xxx.xxx>

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