[Kde-pim] Using TimeZones in KDEPIM

Allen Winter winter at kde.org
Tue Apr 21 17:04:22 BST 2009


Till and I were discussing timezones this morning and it became clear to
us that we no longer need to use KOrganizer as the "timezone setting app"
for all of KDEPIM -- we should be using the KDE system timezone for that now.

So here's a proposed plan that we think will solve this.
Let us know what you think about it.

The Plan:
1) Ignore the TimeZoneId setting in korganizerrc
   a) change KPimPrefs::timeSpec() to only look for your system timezone.
       (currently it looks for korganizerrc's TimeZoneId value first, then
        the system timezone)
   b) change the timezone pref in korganizer (Settings->Time&Date)
        to modify the system timezone -- and no longer write TimeZoneId.
        with the appropriate to "do you really want to change the system
        timezone" confirmation dialog.
2) Ensure all KDEPIM apps call KPimPrefs::timeSpec() when they want to know
    the timezone.
3) In KOrganizer, each view should be able to display incidences in an
    arbitrary timezone.  [Note that agenda view can already do this quite
    nicely via the timelabels]
4) document these changes
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