[Kde-pim] Who would help me upgrade Outlook for a KDEPim Connection?

Jean Luc Picard picard at ikt.tu-bs.de
Wed Sep 17 09:10:46 BST 2008


I am currently learning the VSTO with VisualBasic 2008 and have one question:
I was always annoyed by the outlook2vcal-Solution for synchronizing Kontact 
with Outlook. It is slow and has to be done manually. Now the question:
What if we (that includes me) develop an Outlook-Addin which does all the 
Windows-Sided stuff and saves the Outlook Data in another Format than the 

I use Linux and Windows XP on my PC by dual-booting and really would 
appreciate if I could work with the Outlook Data on Linux and keep track of 
the made Changes in Outlook. As I can mount the XP-Drive, I could easily 
reach any "Data-Cache" Outlook writes down. Problem is the PST Format. The 
Addin should exactly work around that Problem and provide an Interface to 
I hope that is possible, who can help?

Dipl.-Ing. Jan R. Ziebart
Institut für Konstruktionstechnik der TU Braunschweig
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