[Kde-pim] Fwd: Re: [Korganizer-devel] Todo view
Allen Winter
winter at kde.org
Wed Feb 13 23:29:52 GMT 2008
Forwarding to the kde-pim mailing list because not all interested
parties are subscribed to korganizer-devel.
Danimo: we'd be very interested in your review and comments.
Thomas: model/view is definitely the right approach.
I won't comment on the specific patch because you probably
know more about model/view architecture than I do.
The todo view is so terrible now, that I'm happy to have
the new code and make it work from here. So, as soon
as you are happy with the code, then I'm happy too.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Re: [Korganizer-devel] Todo view
Date: Wednesday 13 February 2008
From: Thomas Thrainer <tom_t at gmx.at>
To: korganizer-devel at kde.org
Hello again
I just got a message that my previous message was too big and is being held
back, but I still received it myself through the korganizer-devel list. I
guess that means that it was not held back for a long time...
I just realized that svn diff does not include new files in the diff, so I
attach the complete code again with this mail.
> Hello
> Allen pointed me to the todo view, which is currently in a quite bad shape.
> So I looked into it, and I came to the conclusion that I don't like the
> code at all :-(.
> There are 4 treeview from which either one or three are displayed, but all
> of them have to be kept in sync. Just by reading over the code I've seen
> that this would probably not really work very well.
> Furthermore, the code for getting and manipulating data is mixed with the
> display stuff. Not very nice lecture IMHO.
> So, I had quite a hard time to get familiar with the code, and as I said, I
> didn't like it very much.
> So I thought about alternatives (because it has to be ported anyway). In
> the same time I read about the model/view architecture of QT, and thought
> it would be nice to go into that a litte bit.
> So I decided to learn something about QT's model/view archtecture and QT in
> general (I am not really experienced in QT and KDE programming...). So here
> is what I thought of:
> Create a model wich presents the data from the resources. It creates the
> tree structure of the todo's and provides data about all the entries.
> That's done.
> The model also should do all the editing/updating stuff (not the visible
> thing, but the backgroud work). That's not done yet.
> Drag and drop should also be handled by the model, but that's not
> implemented either.
> The QTreeView widget can be used to display the data of the model. That
> works quite well. Also, delegates can be written to display for example the
> progress bar. And, which is quite cool, you can edit the todo's inplace. I
> attach a screenshot with a slider to change the progress of a todo (which
> does not actually change it now, because the model is not finished yet).
> And finally, I think it would be quite easy to write proxy models which
> filter the todo's into these 3 proposed categories (my todo, others todo
> and I can't remember what). It would be really easy then to create 3 tree
> views, which just use another proxy model on the same model.
> I attach the patch I am working with. That's really only my working copy,
> so there is a lot of cleanup needed ;-). I just commented the old code for
> now, the new approach is basically a rewrite (with some code copied over).
> I also attach a screenshot of the todo view.
> What do you all think about this approach? Is it sensible to do it this
> way? Any suggestions?
> Thomas
> PS.: If somebody knows how to get rid of the highlighted checkbox in the
> screenshot, drop me a line. I think there is a problem in the default
> QItemDelegate when it is only displaying an icon, and nothing else...
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