[Kde-pim] kdepimlibs (khalkhi)

Allen Winter winter at kde.org
Mon Mar 12 23:39:36 GMT 2007

Replying to myself.
I forgot to attach the kdepimlibs "PLAN".

Please review the attachment.  Did I forget a library
that we wanted in kdepimlibs?


On Monday 12 March 2007 4:01:51 pm Allen Winter wrote:
> Howdy,
> FYI: the KDE 4.0 release roadmap is starting to take shape and it looks
> like kdelibs and kdepimlibs will be closed for any new libraries in
> about a couple weeks.  
-------------- next part --------------
Libraries we want to move into the kdepimlibs module, and what needs to be done
to make it happen.

Minimum requirements for moving a library here:
 1. LGPL, BSD, or X11 license
 2. All dependencies must also meet minimum requirements

BIC stuff (like d-pointers) and complete APIDOX may be completed after the move.

Please drop the "lib" prefix part of the source directory name
(i.e. libfoo -> foo): headers will be installed into include/foo,
but the library name will still be libfoo.so.

Each library foo will have its own foo.h that includes all the
visibility macros  (no separate foo_export_win.h)

libkholidays - must stay in kdepim due to licensing. ask the 'plan' author.

High Priority for KDE 4.0
libkhalkhi - new, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <kossebau kde org>
libkholidays_ng - allen, move this back to playground
emailfunctions - done, but we want to move into kmime, and some iof its functions
                 are already in kmime. vkrause.
networkstatus - will be moved by Bille asap into kdelibs

High Priority, but not ready until KDE 4.1
libakonadi - being developed in kdepim, may not be ready until 4.1,
             API currently too unstable for anything with a freeze policy :)

Low Priority (KDE 4.1)
libkdepim - needs a class-by-class review
gpgmepp, qgpgme
libkleo - blocked by libkpgp, gpgmepp, qgpgme
libkpimidentities - blocked by libkleo and libkdepim
kode - not ready for kdelibs.  kxforms should be in kdepim?  kwsdl??

Really Low Priority (or eliminate entirely)

kdgantt - must stay in kdepim due to licensing.
-------------- next part --------------
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