[Kde-pim] KDEPIM 4 Applications List
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau at kde.org
Sat Feb 24 10:54:07 GMT 2007
Am Samstag, 24. Februar 2007 09:56, schrieb Reinhold Kainhofer:
> Am Samstag, 24. Februar 2007 schrieb Friedrich W. H. Kossebau:
> > Hi Kevin,
> >
> > Am Freitag, 23. Februar 2007 21:38, schrieb Kevin Krammer:
> > > On Wednesday 21 February 2007 22:30, Allen Winter wrote:
> > > > + kabclient (Kevin Krammer)
> > >
> > > Yes, though I am not sure the name is still good or if it would be
> > > better to get rid of the "kabc" part and refer more to the "address" or
> > > "contacts" terminology.
> >
> > I would rather propose the terms Persons or People, there is more data to
> > a person than just contact data :)
> And there are more types of contacts than just persons, so I don't think
> that's the right name, either. E.g. I have lots of companies (from the
> heircutter to electricians to hospitals), Pizza services, organizations
> (like KDE e.v.), etc.
Yes, true. (I wrote that when hacking on Khalkhi for KDE3, where there are
only persons, so I was mentally bound to that design ;)
> Admittedly, the current kaddressbook design is very person-centric.
> Whenever I have to enter some company/organization, I never know where I
> should enter the company name without messing up the whole name.
Indeed. And this is something I would like to change with Khalkhi for KDE 4
(see the addition to my reply).
In the experimental code of Khalkhi 4 I have classes named Person and Group,
both subclasses of Entity. Groups have collections of subgroups and persons.
This concept worked so far to describe all things that came to my mind,
including your pizza service and heircutter :) The classes' semantics are
simply as abstract as possible, so a lot of things can be projected on it.
[[Mostly on paper, that is. There isn't yet code to create or modify objects
from user input, I just create group objects by category and from an
addressee with the same name as the category, imported from KABC. First the
problem of storing and retrieving the data model with Akonadi/Strigi needs to
be addressed/discussed, which I plan to start in march with.]]
So what (one-word) term would describe it best, what all that data is about? I
got stuck with "people", hoping it does include the concepts of groups,
institutions, projects and organizations for most. But it is not really
neighbourhood? environment? society? invented new term?
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