[Kde-pim] KDEPIM 4 Applications List
Kevin Krammer
kevin.krammer at gmx.at
Sat Feb 24 14:02:12 GMT 2007
Hi Friedrich,
On Saturday 24 February 2007 01:10, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> Am Freitag, 23. Februar 2007 21:38, schrieb Kevin Krammer:
> > On Wednesday 21 February 2007 22:30, Allen Winter wrote:
> > > + kabclient (Kevin Krammer)
> >
> > Yes, though I am not sure the name is still good or if it would be better
> > to get rid of the "kabc" part and refer more to the "address" or
> > "contacts" terminology.
> I would rather propose the terms Persons or People, there is more data to a
> person than just contact data :)
True, but as already mention in other parts of this thread, it might depend on
the target use cases
> > Or konsolecontacts to better match konsolekalendar?
> konsolepeople?
> > Btw, dies Khalkhi add anything to the addressee data that would be
> > interesting for command line access?
> So far it does only vapouring. :P
tsk tsk tsk, developers never say this about their own projects on a public
mailinglist ;)
> Well, my idea with Khalkhi is to make all property types (email
> address(es), homepage url(s), blog feed url(s), etc.) pluginbased, that is,
> for a given type there will be adapters/codecs transforming the data from
> and to a suited data format, so it can be extended unlimited with whatever
> types people invent or need (shell account, video blog feed url, gaming
> server account, subversion account, ...).
Hmm, hmm.
I am not sure how plugins will affect startup time. This is less a problem for
GUI apps because their life time is usually far longer than their startup
time, but a console program is not unlikely called several times for short
Basically the reason why I currently have all input/output formats within the
executable, but I have to admit that I didn't do any measuring and based this
on pure fear :-/
> So the answer:
> konsolepeople :) would perhaps like to access all other property types and
> their attributes.
Quite possible.
> My question now:
> What are the usages konsolepeople/kabclient is intended for at all? IO to
> people data in Akonadi?
Primarily kabcclient was meant as a way to access KDE's addressbook from
commandline, for example Import/Export/Backup/Restore.
While writing it I discovered that Tobias had already written one for a
specific use case (using KABC from mutt, kabc2mutt, kabcclient has a
compatability mode for it).
Another example (which I was inspired to by a bug report and which is included
in kabcclient's example dir) is to fill a LaTeX letter template with the
recepient's data.
Generally, I see command line tools like this as a kind of API wrapper, i.e.
provide access to KDE infrastructure for scripts or languages that do not
have KDE bindings (yet).
I got a mail from coporate developer who said that they are using a modified
version in an in-house software and he even sent the patched for their
(XML-based) input/output format.
I also know about a more KDE related use case: a developer contacted me to
tell me he is using it from Python (PyKDE obviously doesn't or hasn't covered
KABC) in a SuperKaramba widget to display address data on a KDE desktop.
Looking a bit forward, the main question is if such a "shell API" will be
necessary as it seems D-Bus based APIs will be even more featurefull than our
DCOP APIs have been.
I am bit torn between a full set of Akonadi command line tools,
i.e.akonadi-$DATA-client, where $DATA would be one
of "contact", "mail", "calendar", "todo", etc, and just what I have now, a
shell access to KABC.
What are the plans for konsolekalendar?
Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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