[Kde-perl] Short term plans

Germain Garand kde-perl@mail.kde.org
Thu, 5 Dec 2002 17:30:58 +0000

Le Jeudi 05 D=E9cembre 2002 00:36, Ashley Winters a =E9crit :
> Not only does it gain us template classes, but it gains us KDE support
> as well. There will be a NON-DEFAULT AND UNSUPPORTED option to compile
> PerlQt with the KDE libs/classes linked in as well

Yeah, if Smoke had them, something like Qt::KApplication would need to ch=
say, about 2 lines in PerlQt's source...
Now, it doesn't look that bad... Could be a good temporary solution.

Or even :=20
Qt::KDE::Application wouldn't be too hard to do and could still use a com=
Smoke I think ...
That would ne a nice namespace tree
IMHO, much better that having separate Qt and KDE modules. What do you th=
ink ?