API structure

Miguel Tadeu kde-optimize@mail.kde.org
Fri, 17 Jan 2003 15:42:28 +0000 (GMT)

I'm new in linux and i'm exploring kde and other source code. Due the fact that
i'm usualy a windows programmer( intend to change that :P ) i'm used to use a C
API in combination with MFC( a C++ abstraction layer to the API ). Maybe it
does not make sence to instanciate a class to use a single API, wich i could
use more eficiently in as a C API. I'm not realy shure of what i'm saying,
since i hardly started to explore kde.

Other thing that i would like to see, and would "look faster"( and repeat, look
 ), is that icon under the mouse cursor( when an app is initializing ) to move
with the same draw rate as the mouse cursor. And why does the menu seems to
draw its borders before loading the menu? Shouldn't it draw the all menu first
and the draw it from a buffer( but draw the complete menu )?

Thanks, and elucidate me if i'm wrong.

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