QT_NO_TRANSLATION (was: more i18n)

Harri Porten kde-optimize@mail.kde.org
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 21:10:49 +0100 (CET)

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Jordi wrote:

> QT will generate in every moc file a couple of funtions tr and trUtf8  to make 
> his own translation, as KDE don't use it a -DQT_NO_TRANSLATE param will make 
> the work to avoid it. But for instance in the kmail compilation i has not 
> seen in any moment this param so that inservible two methods exist for every 
> moc file. It seems that are several places where it's not used but it's used 
> all along kdelibs.

I vote for adding -DQT_NO_TRANSLATE for all of KDE as well. It might be a
small improvement but it would be a fixed gain for each QObject.

Anything speaking against it ?
