more i18n

Thu, 13 Feb 2003 16:31:50 +0100

Yes qconststring no aplicable as it requires QChar *. But a pity anyway.

IIRC Kde don't use the tr or qApp->translate methods provided by qt but the 
more standard methods (gettext family).
QT will generate in every moc file a couple of funtions tr and trUtf8  to make 
his own translation, as KDE don't use it a -DQT_NO_TRANSLATE param will make 
the work to avoid it. But for instance in the kmail compilation i has not 
seen in any moment this param so that inservible two methods exist for every 
moc file. It seems that are several places where it's not used but it's used 
all along kdelibs.

I'm wrong or the makefiles must be changed? I don't know the effects of 2 
small methods in the code even if copied several times, but if they are not 
used a little change in the makefiles well worth it.

Another issue, i don't know what's qt_property and qt_static_property methods 
of the moc objects. They can be get ridden of with the -DQT_NO_PROPERTIES 
flag.  This is used or can be got ridden also? kdelibs don't set this param 
so i guess it's used.

Jordi Polo