dcop auto-overuse

Casey Allen Shobe cshobe at softhome.net
Thu Dec 11 03:51:58 CET 2003

Chris Humphries (mið, desember 10 2003 09:22)
> If you are running something light, like ratpoison, you can
> start the dcopserver before hand

And how does this make any difference at all when I'm complaining about delay 
of an application I launch (konsole) upon startup?

> it is just a couple of seconds, and kde apps run best
> in the environment they were designed for.

It's a couple seconds too long, and I really don't care.  If KDE apps are not 
portable enough to run in other environments, then they need to be.

> it is like complaining that a geo prism gets stick in off-road,
> when it wasnt designed for that.

No...it's more like complaining that a Geo Prism dies when you're driving 
without enough traffic around, but in heavy traffic it runs fine.

> sure you can put chains or something of the like on the tires, but is that
> something that should be done automagically?

Then let's have such an option.  That would be fine with me :).

> why run kde apps in a lite x environment anywho?

Maybe because I want to check my mail with a client I like without waiting no 
less than 5 minutes for KDE to startup on an older machine?  Maybe becouse I 
just want a shell with tabs?  Maybe because I want to share settings with 
another computer running a full KDE?  Many reasons.

> seems ironic. kde apps, though alot of them are nice and designed well, alot
> of them are relatively slow.

Sometimes it's worth the tradeoff, sometimes it's not.

> in lite x environments, such as with ion and ratpoison

I use ratpoison often.

> seems like rxvt

rxvt sucks.  I prefer konsole.

> mutt

I don't feel like learning yet another complex program, and I really need a 
graphical mail client on occaision.  mutt and kmail don't share mail folders/
setup besides.

> and links/dillo/lynx

I don't know what dillo is, but links and lynx are fine text-based web 
browsers (why again am I running X11?).  Links is a very horrible graphical 
browser, while being a good text browser.  Maybe I want to check my bank 
account balance.  Links cannot do it.  Lynx most certainly cannot do it.  w3m 
doesn't come close.  Mozilla takes ten minutes to load and renders the page 
poorly.  Konqueror starts in a few seconds and renders almost perfectly with 
full support.

> fit the bill more instead of konsole, kmail, konq.

Most certainly not.  I like to run all of these apps under ratpoison.  Noatun 
also comes to mind.

And sometimes I run ratpoison on a very fast computer.  It isn't about being 
lightweight all the time - sometimes I just enjoy it quite a bit (why people 
think that the only reason you would want to use a small nonbloated WM that 
fulfills your needs is because you have a crappy machine I'll never 

Sigþór Björn Jarðarson (Casey Allen Shobe)
cshobe at softhome.net
Jabber: sigthor at jabber.org; ICQ: 1494523; AIM/Yahoo: SomeLinuxGuy
Free development contributor of:
> KDE toolbar icons
> Kopete user interface, usability, and testing
> X11 Icelandic Dvorak keymaps
* (website coming soon)

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