dcop auto-overuse

Josef Weidendorfer Josef.Weidendorfer at gmx.de
Wed Dec 10 16:11:08 CET 2003

On Wednesday 10 December 2003 15:22, Chris Humphries wrote:
> [...]
> why run kde apps in a lite x environment anywho? seems ironic.
> [...]

That's nonsense.
Usually, an app is written as a KDE app because some developer decides he is 
most productive this way as he knows C++ and KDE/QT libs best.
And the user wants to use this app as it serves his needs, and doesn't want to 
be forced to use some "desktop environment" that by accident happens to be 
written with the same libs.
Thus, for KDE apps to get a bigger user base, the non-KDE case *is* important.


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