dcop auto-overuse

Casey Allen Shobe cshobe at softhome.net
Wed Dec 10 02:09:38 CET 2003

George Staikos (þri, desember 09 2003 19:48)
>   So if I start app X and KDE is not running, it doesn't start dcopserver
> and doesn't talk dcop.  Then I start app Y.  App Y sees that KDE is not
> running and does not start dcopserver or talk dcop.  I want app X to talk
> to app Y. How?  Also since most apps use kded, it's kind of pointless to
> avoid starting dcopserver.  It's almost guaranteed that an average KDE app
> is going to talk to kded sooner or later.

In such a situtation you would run dcopserver/kdeinit before running the 

Casey Allen Shobe
cshobe at softhome.net
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