NM09 branch

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Thu May 19 00:44:00 CEST 2011


Am 18.05.2011 23:51, schrieb Lamarque Vieira Souza:
> Em Wednesday 18 May 2011, Raymond Wooninck escreveu:
>> Hi Lamarque,
> 	Hi,
>> The question is more that if you see a network connection in the plasmoid
>> (which is set not to connect automatically), can you activate that
>> connection by clicking on it in the plasmoid ??
> 	I have just reverted my commit that caused the problem. It should work 
> now.

I can reproduce the issue here. Unfortunately, the latest revert doesn't resolve it.
(Existing) connections still can't be activated in the plasma widget.

At least I can create new connections now by clicking on the wireless network in
the network list. IIRC this didn't work before and I had to use the kcm module.

I hope you keep up your good work on the 0.9 branch. All major distros will use
NM 0.9 in their next release, so a fully working KDE solution is very important.
Imho more important than polishing the 0.8 branch.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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