strongSwan vpn plugin

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Wed Mar 17 04:22:40 CET 2010

On Tuesday 16 March 2010 16:17:34 maurus rohrer wrote:
>  > I had some time to look at it. It seams that there is a way to set the
>  > storage type over KNetworkManagerServicePrefs::SecretStorageMode, but it
>  > seams to be the setting for the hole networkmanager envioroment? Or is
>  > there a way to set this enum for each connection? I thought  about
>  > adding a variable to the vpnsettings, and trigger the secret widget in
>  > the connectionsecretsjob.
> Why would you store the information for different connections in different
> ways?
> There me be a use case, where someboady wants to store the secrets for his
> wireless networks but not for his vpn connection, since this password can
> be very confidential... if this is not wanted, the selection of password
> type (ask, store, not used) won't make sense in the vpn widget, it should
> be somewhere like "general secrets settings".

I can't really judge if this is a valid enough use case, or if in this case just a 
separate wallet should be used. In any event, it's not supported right now, so 
someone would need to implement it. In theory, any password can be "very 
confidential", and that's why kwallet stores them in an encrypted fashion. To me, 
this would mean that we'd need separate storage for any passwords as an option...

sebas | |  GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9 
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