strongSwan vpn plugin

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Sat Mar 13 11:53:44 CET 2010

Hi Maurus,

I'm taking the liberty to CC: the kde-networkmanager list.

On Friday 12 March 2010 17:55:34 maurus rohrer wrote:
> I found out that you are working a lot on the new KDE networkmanagement. I
> am a student from Switzerland an I am coding a strongSwan (
> plugin for knetworkmanager/plasma widget.
> We already have a NetworkManager strongSwan plugin. I just added a
> subdirectory in the KDE vpnplugins and it's working.

So those are more or less the UI bits for knetworkmanager?

In that case, best is probably to add it to SVN. I understand you don't have a 
KDE SVN account, so if you send me the files, I can add them for you. If you 
plan to contribute more regularly, we'll hook you up with your own account. OK? 

> Just found out that some stuff isn't working at the moment. Like the
> detailed information about the connection, 

Yup, that's work in progress, needs some code moved.

> or the widget asking for secrets
> when selected "ask every time" (or is it just mine development env.?). 

I haven't seen this yet (probably because I didn't actually test this ;-)).

> Are
> you working currently on these things or would you like some help? 

Help on those issues is definitely welcome. It just needs some coordination 
(which is why you wrote this email of course, so that's great :)). If you could 
have a look at the connection secrets issue, that would be great.

> I am new
> to the KDE development but eager to learn :) I wanted to ask, not that I
> start programing these things, when you already implementing it.
> Also planned to give some feedback about the status of the connection and
> some error messages, when the connection fails...

Yes, error handling is pretty bad right now, there's hardly any feedback at all 
if something fails.

> Really like your work and hope to hear from you

Thanks, it's really the work of a team, though :)
sebas | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9

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