0.2.1: third try

Robert Buchholz rbu at gentoo.org
Sat Mar 29 21:18:18 CET 2008

Hey Michael,

On Saturday 29 March 2008, Michael Biebl wrote:
> now that nm 0.6.6 is out (which compiles fine against recent libnl
> versions), and it looks like knm also compiles fine without any dirty
> workarounds now (no more linux/types.h), I think it's time for the
> long awaited 0.2.1 release.

Could we call it 0.2.2 please, because the NEWS file in svn lists a 
0.2.1 release with a previous date, and just using a new number for an 
actual release would make things cleaner.

> Helmut: could you bump the build requirements on libnl 1.0 or 1.1 and
> cut a new release?
> Can anyone else confirm that knm from svn compiles fine against libnl
> now? I tested it successfully with NM 0.6.6, libnl 1.1 and knm
> 0.2.1svn749926 on i386.

I'm still including the patch, but I should retry then. On the other 
hand, knetworkmanager is still built with libnl 1.0_pre6 in stable 
Gentoo (and with nm-0.6.5_some_svn_from_february).

Oh, did anyone else experience that the VPN lock symbol is gone with 
recent SVN versions (basically, since the image conversion commit)? 
Usually there was one when I connected to VPN, now the wireless bars 
are all that's shown.


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