dbus-1-qt3 release

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Thu Jun 5 15:09:30 CEST 2008

Kevin Krammer wrote:
> Hi folks,
> On Thursday 05 June 2008, Helmut Schaa wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> Kevin published some release tarballs at [1] already but 0.8.1 is missing
>> some patches which I've added to the SUSE packages and are already in SVN.
>> Am Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2008 18:25:21 schrieb Michael Biebl:
>>> I've been constantly testing NM 0.7 and knm 0.7. It looks like it's
>>> beginning to shape up and knm 0.7 is entering a stage, where it is
>>> usable. As a prerequiste of knm, dbus-1-qt3 needs to be packaged.
>>> I'd like to start with that for Debian.
>>> Unfortunately, there is no official dbus-1-qt3 package.
>>> I checked the SVN repo [1], but there isn't a tagged version anywhere.
>>> It's also a bit weird, that configure.in.in has the version 0.7, but it
>>> seems there is a version 0.8.1 floating around in suse [2].
>>> It would be nice, to have an official dbus-1-qt3 release, with proper
>>> versioning etc.
>> CC'ing Kevin ...
> I am a such a lousy upstream :(
> I tried to debug why a service started through D-Bus activation would not 
> answer the first method call, but wasn't able to pin-point it and forgot that 
> there were other important changes which were not released yet. Sorry!
> Thanks for kicking me :)
> I created a new tar ball and increased the version number to 0.9
> http://people.freedesktop.org/~krake/dbus-1-qt3/libdbus-1-qt3-0.9.tar.bz2
> If you find no issues I will link to it from the freedesktop.org web page.

A few comments:

1.) Although it has a bz2 file ending, the tarball seems to be gzipped.

2.) configure.in.in still lists 0.7. as version: 
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(dbus-1-qt3, 0.7).
This version number should be bumped prior to release. It would also be 
nice to have a tag in SVN.

3.) the tarball name (libdbus-1-qt3) and the package name (dbus-1-qt3) 
differ. Usually the release tarball is named 
This is e.g. how "make dist" does it.
It would be nice to know, if I should refer to the project as dbus-1-qt3 
or libdbus-1-qt3 (in my package build files)

4.) I tried to run make distcheck. It immediately errs out, because it 
can't find Makefile.cvs. I couldn't find Makefile.cvs in EXTRA_DIST in 
Makefile.am or so, so this is a bit weird. Probably one of those 
KDE/auto* black magic.
It's apparent, that "make dist" wasn't used for creating the dist 
tarball, otherwise 2.),3.) and 4.) couldn't have happened.
I always find "make distcheck" particularly helpful, as it catches a lot 
of common packaging mistakes.

5.) Having an up-to-date ChangeLog / NEWS file would be really nice, to 
see what has changed.

6.) License
COPYING only lists GPL2+ as license, but it seems *.cpp, *.h, dbus/*.h 
examples/* are dual-licensed under GPL2+ and Academic Free License 2.1.
tools/dbusxml2qt3/* seems to be BSD style licensed.
Could you please clarify this situation.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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