Compilation issue with libnl

Helmut Schaa hschaa at
Mon May 14 15:00:32 CEST 2007

Hi Thomas,

KNetworkManager now uses libnl for getting network statistics but some people 
got compilation issues due to the libnl inclusion. I was able to track the 
problem down on an Ubuntu system (libnl 1.0-pre6) and it appears that its 
enough to include "netlink/netlink.h" in an empty sourcefile and compilation 
reports a lot of errors like "error: __u32 does not name a type".

I attached a sourcefile which produces a long list of errors when compiled 
using the following command:
	g++ `pkg-config --libs --cflags libnl-1`

You can work around the problem by including  "linux/types.h" 
before "netlink/netlink.h". This workaround was also discussed on the 
KNetworkManager list but I do not like the idea of including kernel headers 
in KNM, right?

So is it really necessary to have all the *-kernel includes 
in "netlink/netlink.h" (like "netlink-kernel.h")?

And can you give some hints how to prevent compilation problems like the one 
mentioned above?

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