[kde-networkmanager] knetworkmanager and vpn plugins

Timo Hoenig thoenig at suse.de
Wed Jun 14 16:46:11 CEST 2006


On Wed, 2006-06-14 at 20:14 +0600, Valentine Sinitsyn wrote:

> As far as I know it, the situation is even worse. Currently
> KNetworkManager requires networkmanager-vpn-daemon (or something named
> similar) so VPN can work properly. These daemons are part of
> NetworkManager project and Gnome-specific. So, in my vision, they
> should be substitued with some KDE application responsible for showing
> and establishing VPN connections. And guess what? We have one - it's
> name is KVpnc and it is a neighbor of KNM in kdereview SVN module. I
> was thinking about implementing some kind of bridge between KNM and
> KVpnc - but it's only an idea for now

This would be wonderful.  KVpnc is currently providing the GUI bits
missing in KNM for the NM VPN modules.  If we could somehow integrate
KVpnc with KNM/NM it would be definitely solve the current issues.

> Regards,
> Valentine


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