IMPORTANT: Last call for Randa 2012 registration

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Fri Jun 15 09:46:16 BST 2012

Hi Mario,

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 11:37 PM, Mario Fux <mario at> wrote:
> Morning gals and guys
> Please sent me a 5 to 10 sentences summary on what you plan to do in Randa in
> September. I'll forward this together with the budget to the e.V. board.

The Amarok team will mainly work on the Amarok roadmap, planing it's
future implementation.
There already is work under way to get Amarok to mobile devices as
well as making it more modular and port it's Context information to
QML. This comes with quite some refactoring and cruft removing.
We will also work on the current gpodder and tomahawk implementation
as well as discuss the coordination of student work contributions to
Another focus is the ongoing Quality Assurance in Amarok, it's
documentation updates, the bug database status and CI status on
Finally, since Amarok heavily depends on Phonon we will interact with
the Phonon developers on improvements to the phonon backends.

Regards, Myriam

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