GSoC 2011 Idea

Pavel Punegov pavelpngv at
Thu Mar 31 01:22:34 BST 2011

Hello everyone!

My name is Pavel, I am a student in Russia and I would like to implement an 
idea of Phonon encoding during the GSoC. I have some experience in C++ and Qt, 
and want to learn multimedia libs such as libvlc and GStreamer.

I think this is an interesting project and it's very necessary for Phonon 
because encoding feature makes Phonon more attractive for Qt users.

I think I should make an interface for encoding and its implementations on 
each backend (i think it's only vlc and gstreamer). It will be a new MediaNode 
which provide user with encoding capabilities and some basic encoding 
settings. I think it should give a list of possible formats and conversions of 
stream so user could chose required one. Then stream returns to user as 
QIODevice or QFile.

Have you any ideas? I think it's necessary to discuss it.

Best regards, Pavel

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