[PATCH]: juk: tageditor: refresh contents when the collection gets updated.

Γιώργος Κυλάφας (Giorgos Kylafas) gekylafas at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 16:25:45 BST 2011

Hi all,

the problem I was facing was that after changing a tag's value in the
tag editor and saving it (Ctrl+T), the contents of the Artist, Album
and Genre (i.e. the comboboxes) were changing to the first value of
the combobox list (!), even though in the collection list the values
were showing up as they had just been saved.

Anyway, I think the problem was that when
TagEditor::slotUpdateCollection() was called (because of changing the
file's tags), TagEditor::updateCollection() updated the list of the
comboboxes but also reset their values to the first item of the list.
So, in order to set the correct values, I added a call to
TagEditor::slotRefresh() as per the attached patch.

I am not sure this is the optimal/correct fix for this behavior,
however it seems to be working fine so far. :-)


Γιώργος Κυλάφας (Giorgos Kylafas)
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