
Justin McPherson justin.mcpherson at
Mon May 25 07:13:29 BST 2009


I'm Justin McPherson, Lead for Multimedia in Qt Software. For some  
time now we have been thinking of ways to improve multimedia usage  
with Qt.

We are moving forward with some "foundational" work, which is listed  
as the Audio and Video services research in our public roadmap. There  
is some general applicability to this, particularly for the Audio, but  
you should first see it's use in back-end like development. You can  
read about our roadmap at < 

We would like to make some minor changes to Phonon, and you'll soon  
hear from myself or one of the Multimedia team with ideas of what we  
would like to contribute by the release of Qt 4.6.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

- Justin


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