KMix and KEnvy24

Valentin RUSU kde at
Wed Jan 21 22:05:05 GMT 2009

> Am Sonntag, 4. Januar 2009 schrieb Valentin Rusu:
> > Well, Audigy is simpler, as it doesn't (as I know) send left signal to
> > both left and right outputs. In ICE1712 chips, output signal
> > contribution for an input follow these formulas :
> >
> > outL = Volume1L * inL + Volume1R * inR;
> > inR = Volume2L * inL + Volume2R * inR;
> >
> > There are 4 (four) independent volume sliders for a single stereo
> > input ! In normal situations (eg stereo cards) Volume1R and Volume2L are
> > always equal to 0. Otherwise, the stereo image of input signal is
> > altered.
> >
> > I attach here a screen capture of envy24control which shows how sliders
> > should be configured to correctly retain stereo image of an input
> > signal. Please note that PCM L/R notation is replaced by "PCM Out 1" and
> > "PCM Out 2".
> OK, I understand. And I agree: This is really confusing.
> I am just wondering how to present this to an user. The screenshot looks so
> bizarre: The right channel is left of the left channel.
The user simply wants normal sliders, for lef and right. Take a look to 
KEnvy24 screenshot here :
In KEnvy24 left slider mean left volume adjustement and stereo link work as 
excpected, allowing one to adjust volume without changing stereo panorama (eg 

> With:
> Right channel: PCM Out1,Right slider: 96
> Left channel : PCM Out2,Left  slider: 96
> And what is the "L/R Gang" switch?
L/R gang inside envy24 couple together L/R sliders so when you slide on the 
other copy same setting. That's, IMHO, very useless in a stereo setup. I never 
use it, as "right" on PCM OUT1" should always stand to 0 and "left" on "PCM 
OUT2" should always stant to 0.

>   Christian

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