Phonon include header fix, once and for all

Thiago Macieira thiago at
Thu Dec 10 13:44:12 GMT 2009

In Qt 4.4, when Phonon was included into the product, we kept the KDE library 
name (, but we screwed up the headers.

Qt only shipped with phonon/foo.h, which meant that KDE apps would not compile 
against the Qt-shipped Phonon.

So I tried to fix this for Qt 4.5.0 by shipping in Qt:

Bad idea, because of Windows and Mac, where the filesystems are case 

I tried again in Qt 4.5.1 and failed.

I tried again in Qt 4.5.2 and failed again.

I tried again in Qt 4.5.3 and it looked like I had succeeded. The structure 
	phonon_compat/phonon/phonon  (the master include file)

qmake would add the phonon_compat dir on its own, but CMake wouldn't. It 
shouldn't be a problem because KDE-based apps never used that master include 

Turns out it's ALSO a failure. So I'm giving up on fixing this on the Qt side.

The reason is that it breaks frameworks on Mac, because the headers are 
installed at:

The p must be lowercase because of the library name.

We're reverting Qt to 4.4 style headers: lowercase p, no ClassName.

Phonon upstream has those headers. I'm asking that the Phonon/ClassName 
headers be declared "unsupported, never meant to be used" and any app using 
them declared "you're walking on thin ice, please fix immediately".

If someone wants this decision reverted, please send a patch to Qt's 
bin/syncqt and mkspecs/features/qt.prf and make sure you've tested on Mac with 
frameworks as well as Windows.

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
  Senior Product Manager - Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
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