Raw data access

Ian Monroe ian at monroe.nu
Thu Oct 2 14:48:14 BST 2008

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 8:41 AM, tomsen <mail at tomsen.org> wrote:
> Hi list!
> Is there already some possibility in phonon to access the images of a
> video-stream (e.g. of a direct-show device)? Does the VideoWidget for
> example get access to the actual images (the code of videowidget.cpp
> is quite small and I coulnd't find anything in this direction)? Or
> does it intermediate only between the source and the drawing functions
> of the actual backend?
> thx a lot!
> -Thomas

Yea the Phonon code itself doesn't have access to it. There was a
proposal for an API to allow screenshots of video (actually I forget
if this went in or not?).

The API would be implemented by the backend, which does have access to


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