New multimedia architecture and accessibility/TTS requirements

Marco Lohse mlohse at
Fri Apr 29 10:54:07 BST 2005

Ronald S. Bultje wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-04-29 at 08:34, Marco Lohse wrote:
>>And, yes, NMM is able to pause/stop media playback immediately.
>>I also think that this 'feature' is a MUST HAVE for any kind of
>>multimedia application - it is not something that is only required for
>>'a specific project or subproject' as Ronald said for gstreamer.
> Oh my god, GStreamer has one single bug. Oh my god, the world is going
> down now.
> Come on Marco, grow up. I've admitted the bug, now stop it. I'm not
> continuously attacking NMM to make some pet project of my own look
> better, am I?

Well, Ronald, I did not attack. I just repeated your words and I said
that I have a different opinion: Instant pause/stop is a must have
feature and not something needed for 'a specific project or

If you feel 'attacked' by this, I am sorry.

However, since you asked for it: you already 'attacked' NMM in the
past, last time was:


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