New multimedia architecture and accessibility/TTS requirements

Marco Lohse mlohse at
Fri Apr 29 07:34:42 BST 2005

Gary Cramblitt wrote:
> On Thursday 28 April 2005 11:00 pm, Ronald S. Bultje wrote:
>>>In my experience, GStreamer can take up to a second to stop playback.
>>A second is a lot; it probably depends on which application you use;
>>Totem (ok, it's a GNOME app, so what) is instant in most cases. Also, it
>>depends on the media format (that's an implementation bug). Our matroska
>>demuxer, for example, is a big offender here.
>>That said, yes, we're aware of some issues in this area and they're on
>>my list. If they're important for a specific project or subproject that
>>we especially care about for some reason, we can raise priority.
> wav files.  I haven't noticed a difference between Alsa or OSS sinks.

Hi Gary,

I would like to draw your attention to the Network-Integrated
Multimedia Middleware (NMM)

NMM is currently the only Open Source multimedia framework with built
in network transparency - one of the points you denoted as MUST
HAVE. We also provide network wide synchronization, i.e. you can
render audio and/or video synchronously on different systems. As far
as I was told NMM is also one of the candidates for the underlying
framework to be used in future versions of KDE.

And, yes, NMM is able to pause/stop media playback immediately.

I also think that this 'feature' is a MUST HAVE for any kind of
multimedia application - it is not something that is only required for
'a specific project or subproject' as Ronald said for gstreamer.

Regards, Marco.

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