[Patch] Kmix alsa addtions

Walt H walt_h at lorettotel.net
Fri Dec 17 17:53:37 GMT 2004


I've put together some (rough) patches to handle a situation that arises 
in kmix when using the Alsa drivers for an emu10k1 based soundcard 
(audigy for me). What these patches do:

Allow both output / input for a specific channel and separate the two. 
This allows you to, for example, have separate volume controls for both 
playback and capture for the Microphone, CD etc...

I'm not a very experienced C/C++ coder, so these patches may be a bit 
rough. I've tested the resulting app on my audigy based system as well 
as my other non-audigy based systems with good results. I checked out 
the kmix source via CVS to see if this issue was corrected yet, and 
didn't see that it was. So, I hacked this up. Hope it's useful.

My code only handles Alsa based soundcards. I haven't even looked / 
tested OSS to see if it needs this as well. The diff is against 
KDE-3.3.2.  Please CC me on any replies. Thanks,


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