juk and network filesystems

Scott Wheeler wheeler at kde.org
Fri Apr 16 19:53:41 BST 2004

Hash: SHA1

Hi Michael --

The appropriate place for feature requests is bugs.kde.org.  That said I'm 
planning on at some point adding support for removable volumes (i.e. network 
shares, CD/DVDs, mp3 players), but I don't know when I'll get around to it.

- -Scott

On Thursday 15 April 2004 13:38, Michael Schulze wrote:
> I'm using juk (great application btw) with the music collection stored on an 
> nfs filesystem which is mounted manually. No problems with that except that 
> juk cleans its cache when the nfs filesystem is not available. This happens 
> for example when I forget to quit juk before shutting down my computer - the 
> next time I login juk assumes that the collection has "changed".
> Would it be possible (or make sense) to pop up a warning that juk is missing 
> the collection and quit when its missing the path where the collection used 
> to be?

- -- 
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