Crystal icons for Noatun actions, yes or no

Neil Stevens neil at
Tue Nov 11 20:16:34 GMT 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday November 11, 2003 11:53 am, Stefan Gehn wrote:
> Now the question is, what to do with the current mixture of old and new
> icons inside Noatun (note: application-icon is already crstylized)? I'm
> fine with certain ui-plugins having their own icons (simple has embedded
> xpms and looks quite ok as it doesn't mix them with crystal icons) but
> the global noatun icons installed to our default icon-path should IMHO
> look like crystal too.

What I think ought to be done is to make the Noatun action icons themed, 
keeping the old icons for general use and allowing crystal icons for users 
of crystal.

I think losing data would be a shame, especially the simple black icons 
which should go decently with a wide variety of desktop appearances.

If someone using non-crystal doesn't like the occasional crystal icon 
intruding on his app, then he can supply a non-crystal icon to be 
included. :-)

- -- 
Neil Stevens - neil at
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