MIME type for SID tunes

Martin Willers willers at xm-arts.de
Sun Jun 22 21:16:56 BST 2003

On Sunday 22 June 2003 21:16, Hans Meine wrote:
> Neil Stevens <neil at qualityassistant.com> writes:
> > On Sunday June 22, 2003 10:22, Martin Willers wrote:
> > > ...is missing. How about adding it to HEAD? (see attachment)
> > > (For all who don't know, SID-tunes are musics from the famous C-64.)
> >
> > Do they have a magic number?  Please? :-)
> FYI, "file foo.sid" says "foo.sid: Sidplay info file" here. The files
> start with "SIDPLAY INFOFILE" in the first line.

That's another (older) type, consisting of two separate files: The pure C-64 
binary and an textual infofile containing metadata like name, number of 
tunes, etc.
A newer format, called "PSID" was created some years ago which combines 
these into one file.
The appropriate line of magic.mime would be:

0	string	PSID				audio/prs.sid

This doesn't catch all SID-tunes, though. Many are compressed with an old 
compression scheme called "Power Packer" and have "PP20" at the beginning. 
However, there are other files using that compression scheme, and you can't 
extract the real contents from it, so this could be two other 

0	string	SIDPLAY\ INFOFILE		application/sidplay-info
0	string	PP20				application/x-powerpacker


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