KsCD; no music sounds

Lateef Alabi-Oki mystilleef at yifan.net
Wed Apr 9 06:27:38 BST 2003

On Wednesday 09 April 2003 12:47 am, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:

> is the volume slider in KsCD (not just KMix) up?
> does your CD-ROM support direct playback, or is it digital sound only? you
> can usually tell by whether or not the CD-ROM is connected to the soundcard
> with a cable or not...
> - --
> Aaron J. Seigo

Hello again,

Thanks for you prompt response Aaron. :) Yes, the volume slider in KsCD is up, 
at the highest level. I'm not certain if my CDRW supports direct playback or 
not. But I assume it does. I have not had the opportunity to open the case of 
my PC, so I again I can't tell if supports direct playback or not. 

However, I use the same CDRW to play music CDs, mp3s and other music files via 
Windows Media Player on my Windows partition. I wouldn't expect KsCD to have 
much problems playing music CDs if Windows Media Player can, irrespective of 
whether the CDRW supports direct playback or not. But again most of the time 
I'm wrong with issues regarding Linux. :( I still welcome any suggestion or 
advice. Thanks :)


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