kdms 'New session feature' and artsd

Arnold Krille arnold at arnoldarts.de
Wed Apr 2 23:00:57 BST 2003

On Wednesday 02 April 2003 21:04, Achim Bohnet wrote:
> I really like kdm 'New Session feature' (Me on :0, kids on :1).
> Unfortunately artsd on :0 blocks arts on :1.    Is there a way
> to tell artsd on :0 to send everyting null (e.g, when :1 gets activated)?
> and vice versa when switching back from :0 to :1?
> Using artsd :0 and :1 -> nas  is one possibility but latency gets
> worse.

Another approach but with lot of latency: If your second kde is cvs you could 
start "artsdsp esd -trust" as your user and have the arts of you kids output 
via the esound output...

But by this way you get the latency of at least two aRts daemons...

I personally would prefer setting the autosuspend-time to 1 second and turning 
full-duplex on only when needed...


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