Feedback about Breadcrumb Navigation stuff.

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Fri Aug 27 18:16:52 CEST 2010

On Friday, August 27, 2010, Bart Cerneels wrote:
> The breadcrumb items (Home, kdabtest2, Inbox) look the same as the
> selection items (Tasks, Journals, etc) *

that was precisely my thought as well..

this is mostly due to using identically sized and styled items in the list, 
with the border for "Inbox" the same on the top and bottom. it all 
communicates "these items are all peers".

an important question is whether all the "above" items must be shown as 
individual items. if not, it could be possible to to show the "up on level" 
item on top with a smaller font, showing the end of the path 
"..abtest2/inbox". when drilling down, the "up one level" item could have a 
nice animation where the text is added to and scrolled to the left while the 
the old "this" entry (in the screnshot "Inbox") animates up as it fades out. 
this would communicate "the current folder, Inbox, has become the new 'up one 
level' folder and it is now accessible from the 'up one level' button".

selecting the 'up one level' entry would take you up one level in the 

this isn't, strictly speaking, a breadcrumb anymore in that every item in the 
previous path isn't visible and you can't jump to any random entry. given the 
screen constraints, though ....


* probably quite clear
* doesn't require showing 5 items if you are are 5 items deep in a hierarchy, 
allowing more of the current listing to be shown by default


* the user can't jump immediately to a spot in the middle of the hierarchy, 
but would need to tap the "up one level" entry as many times as they are deep 
in the hierarchy (the Home entry would jump them to the top)

i'm not sure this fits your requirements or design goals, but it's perhaps a 
thought :)

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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