[KDE/Mac] Compile & App Bundle Creation

Christoph Cullmann cullmann at absint.com
Wed Jun 15 08:10:10 UTC 2016


> On Tuesday June 14 2016 22:43:27 Christoph Cullmann wrote:
> Hi Christoph,
> Did you get any feedback on your qtmacdeploy patch from upstream yet? If you
> build recipe doesn't depend on an otherwise unpatched Qt I could include that
> patch in my qt5-kde port. Maybe Marko could then find an additional reason and
> the time to commit that port (hint, hint ;) ) to the official ports tree.
At the moment there is not much of a reaction in either the bug report nor the review request.

> I would test your recipe if it didn't involve building a way-too-large number of
> frameworks yet again. In an ideal world (where I had time and resources for
> that kind of thing) I'd try to merge your recipe with my frameworks ports.
> There is already the possibility to build them without activating the QSP patch
> (or simply against the main Qt5 port which doesn't have that patch) so that you
> get a version which should be suitable for embedding.
Given that howto requires to compile for 20-30 minutes on my Mac up to Kate,
I see no real time constraint to just paste the 20 lines of commands and let it
run in the background to see if it works, but ok.

> Here's another thought. I know you've been focussing on creating perfectly
> standalone app bundles, but as you probably noticed the OS X "stock" QSP also
> contain system-wide search locations like /Library/Application Support. It
> might be interesting to investigate how you could use that optionally, for
> instance to install the Kate kpart or select Qt plugins so that other
> applications can use them. This could be done via an additional, dedicated
> installer, but it is also not uncommon at all for applications to contain an
> embedded installer. Some provide a menu item to trigger that installer (usually
> in the app menu), but many simply run it when you first start (a new version
> of) the application.
> Regardless of how useful that is for Kate (or applications depending on Kate),
> now seems to be a good time to figure out how to formalise this kind of
> approach which would undoubtedly be useful for distributed applications like
> Evidently a central location under /Library could also be the place to install
> shared resources like icons or Qt and the frameworks with their dependencies
> themselves. But apparently no one is interested in that kind of approach which
> would provide KF5 as a kind of 3rd-party system SDK that woud still allow for
> otherwise standalone app bundles that can be run from anywhere (on the host).
Actually this is a discussion that is repeated here time over time.

Given at the moment KDE software on Mac reaches close to nobody and most things just
kind of work a bit, I see no point in spending any time on getting
stuff to be shared between non existing applications.

IMHO it would make much more sense to focus on getting some "high quality" bundles of
applications out, e.g. Krita, KDevelop, Kate, ... instead of just getting a lot
of stuff compiled somehow.

(or perhaps some more popular ones, I see that a text editor anyway is a not very widely
used thing)

And thats what this (badly written and incomplete) guide is for: help application maintainers
(and contributors) to get a bundle of their application without a lot of hassle build.


----------------------------- Dr.-Ing. Christoph Cullmann ---------
AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH      Email: cullmann at AbsInt.com
Science Park 1                         Tel:   +49-681-38360-22
66123 Saarbrücken                      Fax:   +49-681-38360-20
GERMANY                                WWW:   http://www.AbsInt.com
Geschäftsführung: Dr.-Ing. Christian Ferdinand
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