[KDE/Mac] KF5 on OSX

Marko Käning mk-lists at mailbox.org
Wed Sep 23 18:34:17 UTC 2015

Hi René,

On 16 Sep 2015, at 12:39 , René J.V. Bertin <rjvbertin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> For “kf5umbrella” I haven’t yet created a meta-port “kf5-kf5umbrella” enclosing all KF5.
> I'd vote for kf5-foo instead of kf5-kf5foo. Maybe too much work for your portfile generator script? ;)

well, I had named it like that to be consistent in the naming scheme wrt KDE, since
"kf5-“ is only needed for MacPorts, while everything following that is the naming as
present in KDE’s build metadata.

>> which control the setting of various internals needed for a correct Portfile definition.
> I don't think the (any!) PortGroup should contain anything but definitions, i.e. no {pre-,,post-}{extract,patch,configure,build,destroot} steps. I guess I'll see whether that's the case or not ... and whether all those variables are sufficiently documented ;)

As I haven’t heard any complaints so far from you, I figure that the variables are 
sufficiently well documented. I hope. :)


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