[KDE/Mac] kmix on OSX sensible or not?

Marko Käning mk-lists at email.de
Fri Mar 20 06:26:58 UTC 2015

Hi Ian,

I had an exchange with Christian Esken about kmix and wondered whether
you could give me a hint as to whether it makes sense to actually try
to build kmix on OSX or whether it’s wasted energy just. :-)


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Christian Esken <esken at kde.org>
> Subject: Re: OSX/CI: kmix fails to build on branch master
> Date: 15 Mar 2015 23:39:14 GMT+1
> To: Marko Käning <mk-lists at email.de>, Nick Shaforostoff <shafff at ukr.net>
> Cc: Christoph Feck <cfeck at kde.org>
> Am 02.03.2015 um 21:52 schrieb Marko Käning:
>> Hi Nick and Christian,
>> I tried to build kmix on OSX/CI and ran into this:
>> ---
>> Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
>>   "ALSA_getMixer(Mixer*, int)", referenced from:
>>       _g_mixerFactories in mixer.cpp.o
>>   "ALSA_getDriverName()", referenced from:
>>       _g_mixerFactories in mixer.cpp.o
>> ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
>> clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
>> make[2]: *** [libkdeinit5_kmixctrl.dylib] Error 1
>> make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/kdeinit_kmixctrl.dir/all] Error 2
>> ---
>> Is kmix not usable (or perhaps even not to be used) on OSX?
>> Greets,
>> Marko
> Hello Marko,
> I do not own a OSX device and am also not aware whether KMix works on OSX.
> If OSX supports either OSS or ALSA, it could work. In theory, KMix should always build. Worst case should be, that no backends can be built, rendering KMix totally useless.If you can make it compile and work, please let me know. Below are some hints, and I can give you more explanations and hints if required.
> Greetings,
>    Christian
> It looks like ALSA was detected by the build system, but somehow linking to libalsa failed. It should either not work at all,
> # From CMakeLists.txt:
> # Explanation: The following makes sure, that the backend is compiled in
>  set(kmix_backend_SRCS ${kmix_backend_SRCS}
>      backends/mixer_alsa9.cpp )
> # From CMakeLists.txt:
> # Explanation: The following makes sure, that the ALSA library is linked to.
>    target_link_libraries(kdeinit_kmix ${ASOUND_LIBRARY})
> # From kmix-backends.cpp:
> # Explanation: The following makes sure, that the backend factory is registered
> #if defined(HAVE_LIBASOUND2)
>    { ALSA_getMixer, ALSA_getDriverName },
> #endif

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Christian Esken <christian at esken.de>
> Subject: Re: OSX/CI: kmix fails to build on branch master
> Date: 18 Mar 2015 23:24:38 GMT+1
> To: Marko Käning <mk-lists at email.de>
>> Am 18.03.2015 um 08:05 schrieb Marko Käning <mk-lists at email.de>:
>> Hi Christian,
>> thanks for your response!
>>> On 15 Mar 2015, at 23:39 , Christian Esken <esken at kde.org> wrote:
>>> I do not own a OSX device and am also not aware whether KMix works on OSX.
>> I see.
>>> If OSX supports either OSS or ALSA, it could work. In theory, KMix should always build. Worst case should be, that no backends can be built, rendering KMix totally useless.If you can make it compile and work, please let me know. Below are some hints, and I can give you more explanations and hints if required.
>> Thanks for the explanations and hints on build system and code. I will check
>> this with Ian Wadham, I think, since he knows more about sound on Linux.
>> I could image that kmix makes only sense if one wants to run *Plasma*...
>> This isn’t an option for OSX anyways.
> Well, you can run it without, for example I also ran KMix in XCF ans a Gnome session once. Nevertheless, it makes often sense to use the Mixer shipped with the soundcard or OS. Thus KMix would not make too much sense under Windows.
>> Greets,
>> Marko
>> P.S.: BTW, we finally got kmix_master_qt5 set up properly on Jenkins
>>     and it succeeds ( http://build.kde.org/view/FAILED/job/kmix_master_qt5/ )! 
> Great. I have seen it failing before, and was wondering whether I needed to fix something myself.
> Christian

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