[KDE/Mac] QSP patch back to gerrit?

Marko Käning mk-lists at email.de
Sun Mar 15 11:56:58 UTC 2015

Hi René,

On 15 Mar 2015, at 12:42 , Jeremy Whiting <jpwhiting at kde.org> wrote:

> Exactly what I thought, it would require maintaining a dedicated git clone for each patch, possibly even for each iteration of the patch.
> If you don't mind doing that, great :)
> How did you come to that conclusion? I have one clone of QtSpeech here for example with a few different patches in different branches that I push to gerrit after reacting to feedback. No need for a separate clone per patch… 

I have also used KDE’s Gerrit twice and it allows to have your own branches from where you commit your patches.
The nice thing with Gerrit is that it keeps your repository tied to the patches you commit (using the mentioned Commit-Id)
and thus Gerrit knows precisely which patch is based on which revision in the central repository you’re referring to.

Check this out: https://techbase.kde.org/Development/Gerrit

It’s relatively easy to set up.

I am sure there is something similar available to Qt’s Gerrit, which will surely look different in the “Getting Started” section
w.r.t. the way they do authentication.

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