[KDE/Mac] OSX/CI: Uses of outdated Q_WS_MAC in KF5 projects

"Marko Käning" mk-lists at email.de
Sat Jan 24 12:53:01 UTC 2015

Hi David,
Hi Ian,

> See above for starters.  I have no idea what the impact is, because I am not
> an expert on the Qt 5.4 source code.  I can see that quite sizeable chunks
> would be omitted from the QWidget code in Qt-Mac 5.4 and I am surprised
> that Marko can run any KF5 apps at all on Apple OS X.  It needs an expert
> to look at the code, I would say, but it certainly *looks* wrong.

that's exactly what I meant to say!
(And I believe I did.)

> I was just wondering if you or Laurent could have a quiet word to someone
> you know at Digia, so that an expert could be assigned to spend an hour or
> so looking at this problem.  It would save all of us a lot of time and, if the problem
> is serious and widespread, then it could save Digia some grief when the use of
> Qt-Mac 5 builds up.  Just an idea… :-)

Well, perhaps all the code which is currently encapsulated by Q_WS_MAC is legacy
and not needed in Qt5 on OSX anyways, but how do we know?

I also believe that a Qt professional is needed to judge this.


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